Hey Open Rec members! This month's Minecraft Build Challenge is dedicated to space exploration! The member that receives the most votes for "Favorite" Spaceship will receive a free Turtle Beach™ Recon 200 Headset.

Spaceship Build Challenge
Ready to put your Minecraft building skills to the test? Here's your mission...
Build a Spaceship On April 19th, Open Rec members will be given a dedicated launch pad on our private Minecraft servers to build their spaceship!
Build Requirements All spaceships must be built on the assigned launch pad! Need help thinking of ideas for your spaceship? You can build your spaceship after real-life examples from NASA or SpaceX, or use example from a movie series like the Guardians of the Galaxy!
Build Time Open Rec members will have until May 1st to build their spaceships.
You must be an Open Rec member and have an active subscription to play. No additional fees or sign up forms necessary!
Spaceships must be built on ESOGA's private Minecraft servers and completed by May 1st -- ask your esports coach for help connecting!
No griefing! This means you are not allowed to build, edit, or destroy another player's spaceship or launch pad.
Players will vote for their favorite spaceship on May 3rd
The player with the most votes will receive a Turtle Beach™ Recon 200 Headset

Open Rec Membership Haven't signed up for our Open Rec program yet? No problem! Visit www.esoga.gg/play to sign up today -- cancel anytime!