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Summer Kick-Off Tournament

Updated: May 30, 2022

Join us Sunday, June 5th, 2022 at 3pm PT for ESOGA's Summer Kick-Off Tournament featuring Fortnite. Players from each of the top two teams of the tournament will receive a $20 gift card of their choice to Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo, or GameStop!

How to Join

  • You must be an ESOGA Member and have an active subscription to play. Open to ages 10-15.

Event Schedule

  • 2:30 pm PT - Coaches Arrive

  • 3:00 pm PT - Player Check-in

  • 3:05 pm PT - Prize Giveaway for Dream House Build Challenge & Team Setup

  • 3:15 pm PT - Practice Round Begins

  • 3:30 pm PT - Tournament Rounds Begin

  • 4:30 pm PT - Tournament Ends & Winners Announced

Event Details

  • This will be a Duos Tournament featuring Fortnite. NOTE: Players may choose their own teammates or request a teammate. If there are any issues with teams, we may modify the tournament format to ensure balance of gameplay.

  • Players will compete for Six (6) rounds in a private mini battle royale. The first round of the tournament will be a practice round -- no scores will be recorded for the practice round.

  • The event starts on Sunday, June 5th at 3pm PT and is scheduled to end by 4:30 pm PT . All players are welcome to stay and continue playing together after the tournament ends.

Scoring Scores will be recorded at the end of each round using the following point values:

  • Victory Royale = 10 Points

  • 2nd = 8 Points

  • 3rd = 6 Points

  • 4th = 4 Points

  • 5th or lower = 2 Points

  • Eliminations = 1 Point

The team or players with the highest total points at the end of the tournament will win the Prize.


  • Players of the top two teams will receive a $20 Gift Card of their choice to Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo, or GameStop

ESOGA Membership Not a member of ESOGA yet? Go to to sign up today -- open to ages 10-12 and 13-15.

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